Sunday, November 14, 2021

Covid Cronicles Vol. 2 - The Hijacking of the Oscar Meyer Weenier Mobile

-Grot Dog- There it is boys

After years of searching, right over that hill is the Oscar Meyer Weenier Mobile 

-Grub Sub-  Let's get down there, but be quiet, we don't want to be caught 

-Grot Dog- Good, I don't think anyone saw us! 

-Grub Sub- keep going, but be quiet, we don't want to be caught! 
-Grot Dog- Whoa, this ledge is slippery! 

-Fungus Fries- I think they are distracted, let's go take over! 

-Grot Dog- We are taking your ride! Don't try to resist! 

-Grot Dog- Get in boys, we are busting this mobile out! 

-Grot Dog- Just Look at the view from up here! 

-Fungus Fries- Grot, get behind the wheel and get us out of here! 

-Grot Dog- Good idea! Let's blow this Hotdog Stand! 🌭 

I want to thank the riders of the Oscar Meyer Weenier Mobile for being such great sports, from the moment they realized that I was up to something, they were super helpful and really fun 😀.  Ride on Two! And be safe on your journey!