Sunday, November 14, 2021

Covid Cronicles Vol. 2 - The Hijacking of the Oscar Meyer Weenier Mobile

-Grot Dog- There it is boys

After years of searching, right over that hill is the Oscar Meyer Weenier Mobile 

-Grub Sub-  Let's get down there, but be quiet, we don't want to be caught 

-Grot Dog- Good, I don't think anyone saw us! 

-Grub Sub- keep going, but be quiet, we don't want to be caught! 
-Grot Dog- Whoa, this ledge is slippery! 

-Fungus Fries- I think they are distracted, let's go take over! 

-Grot Dog- We are taking your ride! Don't try to resist! 

-Grot Dog- Get in boys, we are busting this mobile out! 

-Grot Dog- Just Look at the view from up here! 

-Fungus Fries- Grot, get behind the wheel and get us out of here! 

-Grot Dog- Good idea! Let's blow this Hotdog Stand! 🌭 

I want to thank the riders of the Oscar Meyer Weenier Mobile for being such great sports, from the moment they realized that I was up to something, they were super helpful and really fun 😀.  Ride on Two! And be safe on your journey! 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Covid Cornicles Vol.1


What happened to everyone? They are all gone... 

Look around, something has to still be here... we couldn't have lost all our bases
I don't know, Grot Dog check Taco Bell
Grot Dog - It all looks pretty shut down to me... But I will... 
Bad Beanz - We can't get in, they are totally shut down too
Grot Dog - Nothing is open anywhere... what is going on??? 
This artwork is amazing... Someone needs to keep it fresh while no one is here... 
Lice Cream- Wait look, someone is coming out of that building over there
Let's sneak in!
Cool, we got in, I don't think anyone saw us.... 
Everything is so fresh here... Time to rot it! 
There she is, let's take it over!
Where is everyone??? Tell us what happened!! WHY IS EVERYTHING CLOSED??? 
The mission failed, but at least she gave up some Ice Cream!

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Hostile Take Over of Propaganda Pie

Putrid Pizza - There it is boys, the reason we are in Redstone! 
The Big Fish!
Putrid Pizza - Propaganda Pie! They have all sorts of communication and rebellion here!
 Grot Dog - So why are we taking it over if they are already fighting the same battle? 
Putrid Pizza - Because we can do it better! Let's go!
Bad Beans - I'm glad someone opened the door for us, we would have never gotten in!
Putrid Pizza - Boys look at the size of this place, we could conquer the whole mountain with it! 
Did they just grind up pizza guts and put it in this drink? I will avenge you!! 
Grot Dog - Look at this pizza! It's already all moldy! they are making this easy on us!
Putrid Pizza - That slice looks just like me!
Putrid Pizza - Show me where all your communications are! We are taking over this town!  
Grot Dog - Yeah and show me where the Ketchup is! I'm Thirsty!  
And so Redstone was conquered, and Propaganda Pie was Putrid Pizza's to rot, as was the town of Redstone.
Solute' To the Pie!

Notes from the Editor:
I get to yell at the owners of Propaganda Pie from my blog for not having Slow Groovin' BBQ open while we were up there! Had it all planned out and you closed it?? What is up with that? 
In any case, the pizza here is amazing and I highly recommend it, the wait staff is awesome and make sure you say hi to the owners Daughter, she is adorable! And be sure to try the Pizza Mary, it is freaking good! 
Thank you to the staff of Propaganda Pie for being so enthusiastic about your pictures! your awesome, I can not wait to return!  

The Take Over of The Italian Underground

Grot Dog -Where are we?
Putrid Pizza - I don't know, I can't see the sign from here
Putrid Pizza -It says Redstone, we must be in the mountains
Grot Dog - What is so important in Redstone?
Putrid Pizza - I guess we find out don't we!

And some arguing between their ride.. 

Prutrid Pizza - They thought that being Underground was sly, but they were wrong! 
Be really quiet and drop down.
 Putrid Pizza -Man, it is bright in here, How can they see anything? 
Grot Dog - Of course it is, your under ground! 
Putrid Pizza - I don't think anyone saw us let's go!
Putrid Pizza - Look at all this food to rot!! 
 And under ground makes it the perfect place to make a base!
Grot Dog - Look at how green and moldy the pasta looks! 
Putrid Pizza - It's a perfect place to take!  Quickly lets go!
 Putrid Pizza - EVERYBODY OUT! We are claiming this establishment in the name of Grossness!


Notes from the Editor:
I want to thank the staff of "The Italian Underground" for helping me with this one, the food was delicious. If you make it there, have the spicy pasta, its so awesome! 
Thanks you guys for being great sports!  

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Hostile Take Over of Silver Mine Subs!

Lead By Grub Sub
There it is boys, out last mission! Let's make this count!
I don't think anyone saw us sneak in!
-Grot Dog- Humans put such weird things on their walls
Just look at all that goop on the top of the sandwich, I need to take this place over! 
Grot, you have eyes on the front? 
-Grot Dog- Almost time! 
You cant stop us! everyone out! We rotting your restaurant!
Good job guys! it's time to head home, lets hitch a ride!

(I told the employee to look scared, instead she looked like the was going to fight them. First time ever! I had to keep the picture, it was the last mission and it was not supposed to be easy!
Thank you to the Employees of Silver Mine Subs for playing along with me! I appreciate finding someone to help me with this project! you guys are awesome!)