Monday, February 24, 2020

The Take Over of The Italian Underground

Grot Dog -Where are we?
Putrid Pizza - I don't know, I can't see the sign from here
Putrid Pizza -It says Redstone, we must be in the mountains
Grot Dog - What is so important in Redstone?
Putrid Pizza - I guess we find out don't we!

And some arguing between their ride.. 

Prutrid Pizza - They thought that being Underground was sly, but they were wrong! 
Be really quiet and drop down.
 Putrid Pizza -Man, it is bright in here, How can they see anything? 
Grot Dog - Of course it is, your under ground! 
Putrid Pizza - I don't think anyone saw us let's go!
Putrid Pizza - Look at all this food to rot!! 
 And under ground makes it the perfect place to make a base!
Grot Dog - Look at how green and moldy the pasta looks! 
Putrid Pizza - It's a perfect place to take!  Quickly lets go!
 Putrid Pizza - EVERYBODY OUT! We are claiming this establishment in the name of Grossness!


Notes from the Editor:
I want to thank the staff of "The Italian Underground" for helping me with this one, the food was delicious. If you make it there, have the spicy pasta, its so awesome! 
Thanks you guys for being great sports!  

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