Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Botanic Garden Trip 2

 Look a Banana Tree, I will just hang out here...
 Looks like there are some Ripe Bananas at the top of this tree... not for long... 
 Whoa, this is pretty high
 That should do it.
 Perfect, look at the stem ROT!!
 The Grosserys are coming, I gotta hide
 A Kid saw me, hopefully the Grosserys didn't.
 HA HA, these Flytraps think they are slick!
 Whats wrong?

 You can't get me? 
 Gotta run, I'll be seeing you later!
 Look at this oven, its outside! 
 It's like its a Coffin for pizzas! 
 Look at all these Frys, Fungus Fries! 
 (Fungus Fries) I know, they would make a perfect army for us to take control!
 Someone is coming, Hide!
 OK Lets get too it! Trash Head, how are you doing? 
 I think I found some Putrid Power samples in here! 
 Looks like we have a Visitor guys!
 All of these insects have been in this case for years! 

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