Monday, October 14, 2019

The Hostile Take Over of Mr. Jim's Pizza Cheyenne on Laramie Street

Lead by Putrid Pizza
There it is boys, Our first Mission Mr. Jim's Pizza Cheyenne

 Good job boys, I don't think anyone saw us sneak in
We have to get to that counter across the restaurant
Be careful boys
There is defiantly traps in this climbing tower 
-Grub Sub- Who builds things like this? 
Looks like they want a fight! 
-Grot Dog- That's good because I ain't no wiener!
Don't back down boys, we are almost there!
Made it to the table, Quick hide before someone sees us!
 -Grub Sub- These pitiful humans keep leaving their deadliest weapons everywhere for us to use against them!
Red Pepper and Parmesan Cheese...
The Zap Pak of Legends isn't here!
-Grot Dog- well lets finish our mission and get out of here!
Look at all the Green on the pizza! I don't even have to mold it! Its already covered in Fungus!
Everyone out, We are taking over this Establishment! 
Good work boys! they never saw us coming!
-Grub Sub- Uh oh, I think our ride is leaving!
Everyone get in, they will take us if they think we are left overs!
-Grub Sub-
I don't think they saw us, we are safe.
Good work boys, we made it back to the Hotel in one piece!  

Thank you Jim's Pizza for playing along with me you guys rock! (And the pizza is delicious!) 

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