Monday, October 14, 2019

The Take over of Mongolian Grill!

Led by Grub Sub
-Grub Sub-What is this place?

-Fungus Fries- I don't know but this is our next mission
-Grot Dog- Everyone seems to be gathering at that counter, it must be where we need to go! 
-Grub Sub- I will go check that out, you guys do a sweep!
Look at all of this RAW food! It could go rotten at any time! 
and this counter goes on for miles!  
-grot dog- HEY! Come look at this!
-Grot Dog- This looks like some disgusting portal that turns the food they have rotten! 
-Grot Dog- That portal is what we are here for! 
-Fungus Fries- Just look at all the Mold in this bowl! 
-Grb Sub- Well let's take over this portal then!
There it is! Ready? 
Everyone out! We are commandeering this rotting portal!
What did they put these Bananas in??? 
-Spewy Loo- I don't know, but it looks it it came out of the toilet! 
-Squished Banana- Gross! 
Our ride is leaving! good work, but we gotta get out of here!

(Thank you to the great employees at the Mongolian grill for being so cool! The chief I pictured was an awesome guy! If your ever in the area look them up! Great food, Great Prices!)  

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